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Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

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The mission is to help Arts & Humanity thrive, and we want to take the fullest possible advantage of the opportunity we have to serve others. That’s why the goal of our giving is to do as much good as we can — in other words, to improve as many lives as possible as much as possible. We are committed to learning from our successes and shortcomings, to sharing what we’re learning with others, and to be an outstanding partner to the organizations we support.

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Our Focus Areas

Our grantmaking in partnerships focuses on causes that stand out on three criteria: importance, neglectedness and tractability. Current major focus areas include:

  • Community Beautification

  • Safety equipment and facilities

  • Art Supplies and Sponsorship

  • Community Education and STEM

  • Scientific/High Tech equipment research

In choosing focus areas, Open Philanthropy casts a wide net, considering a wide variety of causes and incorporating lessons from the history of philanthropy as well as the work of other major foundations today.

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